Site for researching all meanings of Hebrew Bible.
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This is a step-by-step tutorial of biblical Hebrew without vowels (Hebrew Bible was originally written without vowels, vowels were added in Middle Ages.)
After reading this tutorial, you will be able to read Hebrew Bible using a lexicon and participate in our translation project, which needs many volunteers just like you. Don't be afraid to write a wrong translation, as if you err other users of this site will correct your error, just like as in Wikipedia.
Without vowels Hebrew is an order of magnitude easier than with vowels.
So start study now!
- Abstract
- Preface
- Alphabet
- Nouns and gender
- Grammatical number
- Definite article
- Prepositions
- Adjective
- Participles
- Preposition of direct object את
- Personal and demonstrative pronouns
- Perfect tense of regular verbs
- Imperfect tense of regular verbs
- The conjunction ו
- Meaning of perfect and imperfect
- Positions of words in a sentence
- Irregular verbs
- Conjunction of nouns
- Pronoun suffixes
- Imperative
- Jussivus and cohortativus
- Infinitive
- Absolute infinitive
- Numerals
- Some words
- Binyanim of verbs
- Misc
- Special word forms
- Start translating