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Grammar:Tutorial/Binyanim of verbs

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Some words Binyanim of verbs Misc

Verbs considered above were all of the binyan (the mood of meaning and declension) called Qal (from the word כל “empty”) or PAAL.

There are also the following binyanim (“binyanim” is the plural of “binyan”):

  • PIEL
  • PUAL

There are also some rare binyanim.

Not every verb is met in every binyamin.

The names of binyamin are the forms the verb פעל would take in these binyamin.


NIPAL has the following meanings:

  • reflexive;
  • passive;
  • passive with potentiality;
  • (seldom) a change in a state of a subject;
  • (seldom) mutual act.

In perfect to NIPAL verbs is added the prefix נ.

Imperfect is the same as imperfect of PAAL.

In imperative and infinitive is added the prefix ה.

The participle of NIPAL is formed adding the prefix נ to the root. The singular feminine participle usually has ה at the end but sometimes ת instead.

Absolute infinitive of NIPAL is formed adding the prefix נ and the letter ו between the second and the third letter of the root and either נ or ה as a prefix.

In perfect of 1-נ verbs the נ of the prefix and of the root are merged (remains only one נ).

In all forms of NIPAL the first י in a root is replaced with ו.

In NIPAL of empty verbs (including participles) the second letter is not omitted.

Double verbs in NIPAL have one instead of two (idenitical) letters in verbs (including participles).

3-weak verbs are declined similar to 3-weak verbs in PAAL.


These verbs are often formed from an adjective (meaning the action which makes this adjective to come true) or from nouns.

PIEL derived from PAAL usually mean cause to make some action. For example למד in PIEL means “to teach” (while למד in PAAL means “to learn”).

Sometimes PIEL means an action more intense than the corresponding PAAL.

The PIEL verbs (not including participles) are the same in form as PAAL verbs.

Infinitive consists of three letters of the root. In absolute infinitive it is added ו between the second and the third letter of the root, but instead of absolute infinitive it is often used simply infinitive.

PIEL participle is formed adding the prefix מ to the root. The singular feminine participle often has the suffix ה instead of ת:

singular plural
masculine (none) ים
feminine ה ות

Double verbs are declined in PIEL like regular verbs.

3-weak verbs are declined similar to 3-weak verbs in PAAL both in perfect and imperfect.

1-י and 1-נ are declined in PIEL like regular verbs.

PUAL is the passive of PIEL. PUAL has the same form as PIEL.


Most often HIPIL means causative verbs. If the corresponding PAAL is transitive, then the verb in HIPIL may be “twice transitive” (have two direct objects, the object of cause of an action and the object of an action itself).

A special case of causative: To allow to make some action.

HIPIL verbs derived from adjectives means the action which makes the subject or object to be of this adjective.

There are other meanings of HIPIL.

In perfect and imperative, infinitive, absolute infinitive also the prefix ה is added.

Participle is formed adding to the root a prefix מ and י between the second and the third letters of the root.

Infinitive is formed adding to the root a prefix ה and י between the second and the third letters of the root.

In verbs 1-נ that נ is omitted in perfect, imperfect, imperative, and participle.

Patterns of declension (note י between the second and the third letters of the root in some forms):


person gender singular plural
3rd masculine השמיד השמידו
feminine השמידה
2nd masculine השמידת השמדתם
feminine השמדתן
1st השמידתי השמדנו