Site for researching all meanings of Hebrew Bible.


From Without Vowels project
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Become a Hebrew Bible translator!

It is much easier than you may think: I propose you to learn ancient Hebrew grammar without vowels.

Without vowels, Hebrew grammar becomes an order of magnitude easier. So you can easily learn the grammar. You do not need a scientific degree for it.

Why without vowels? Because Hebrew Bible was written by Moses and others without vowels.

Without vowels there are additional meanings of Bible, because other vowels could be inserted instead. So receive new meanings of God' word, not only the standard translation.

Why should I become a Bible translator?

The field of translating Bible without vowels is new. This site is a breakthrough in understanding God's word. We need your help. We need many translators. Your help even if you translate just a few verses is invaluable.

Also God wants you to read His word. Moreover, He wants you to read it as it was written: In Hebrew and without vowels. Everybody should become a Bible translator.

Becoming a translator

To become a translator, you need two things:

  1. Study ancient Hebrew
  2. Create account (your edits will be moderated against spam)

and the third: start writing.

As a translator you write four kinds of things:

  1. Translations of (declined forms of) Hebrew words. Click a word in the Bible text to start edit the translation. You are recommended to use 2LetterLookup to find primary word forms from declined forms.
  2. Translations of Bible verses. Click "Exegesis" in the Bible text to start edit the translation.
  3. Commentaries on translated verses,
  4. Topics about Bible.

See translations of words and verses in the start of Genesis as the examples of style and rules you should follow when doing translation.

You can not just translate but also interpret/comment Bible. All viewpoints are allowed at this site.

Before starting translation, you are strongly recommended to read the following:

You are recommended to use this site to find translations of a word.

Use your mouse

After every Hebrew word link in this site, there is small arrow which denotes the split of the word into subwords with spaces hypothesis.

Now learn to use middle mouse button. Be aware that middle button clicking opens a link in a new browser tab.

Note that you can use it for the following things:

  1. Middle click the arrow to open (and have the possibility to edit) the spaces hypothesis splits for a particular word.
  2. Middle click a word in the popup to open it in a new tab without closing the popup or the current tab.

Also take into account, that in the past me wrote spaces hypothesis splits in "Spaces Hypothesis" and "Spaces Hypothesis with prefixes" sub-articles of translated words. I am going to remove them and move all splits into Split: namespace (controlled by the arrows after Hebrew words).

For now we should consider all splits (including splits with prefixes) and add all of them into Split: namespace. If in the future we decide that splits with prefixes don't work for interpreting God's words, we may remove splits with prefixes from Split: namespace articles.

If you find that a particular Hebrew words cannot be split into shorter Hebrew words, write the word "none" in the Split: page (which is opened by middle clicking the arrow) for this word.

Rules of writing translation pages

Rules of writing word description pages

See also