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Exegesis:Genesis 3:8

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Translation of Genesis 3:8

They heard the voice of God Yahweh walking in the garden toward the spirit of the day, and Adam hid himself and his wife from the face of God Yahweh among trees of the garden.

"toward the spirit of the day" = "for refreshing the day".

Translation of Genesis 3:9

God Yahweh called Adam and said him "Where are you?"

Translation of Genesis 3:10

He said: I've heard your voice in the garden and I feared that I'm naked and I hid myself.

Translation of Genesis 3:11

He said: Who has told you that you are naked? Have you eaten from the tree which is forbidden for you to eat from it?

"that you are naked" = "that (you) are naked with her".

Translation of Genesis 3:12

Adam said: The wife which was given me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.

Translation of Genesis 3:13

God Yahweh said to the woman: What have you done? She said: The serpent deceived me and I've eaten.


From this passage we know that there is "the spirit of the day" (and probably "spirit of the night").

It seems that the main reason of come of Yahweh in this occurrence was not to meet with Adam but to refresh the day (to regulate the weather).

From Gen. 3:13 it is clear that Eve has understood that she did wrong (the serpent has deceived her). Probably she has understood that her state has become worse, see also Theology:Fall_of_the_man.