Site for researching all meanings of Hebrew Bible.

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From Without Vowels project
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Become a Hebrew Bible translator!

It is much easier than you may think: I propose you to learn ancient Hebrew grammar without vowels.

Without vowels, Hebrew grammar becomes an order of magnitude easier. So you can easily learn the grammar.

Why without vowels? Because Hebrew Bible was written by Moses and others without vowels.

Without vowels there are additional meanings of Bible, because other vowels could be inserted instead. So receive new meanings of God' word, not only the standard translation.

Why should I become a Bible translator?

The field of translating Bible without vowels is new. This site is a breakthrough in understanding God's word. We need your help. We need many translators. Your help even if you translate just a few verses is invaluable.

Also God wants you to read His word. Moreover, He wants you to read it as it was written: In Hebrew and without vowels. Everybody should become a Bible translator.

Becoming a translator

To become a translator, you need two things:

  1. Study ancient Hebrew
  2. request a password to edit this site from

and the third: start writing.

See also