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3,711 bytes added, 23:00, 25 February 2019
Unsure if perhaps all occurrences of ים can be shortened to simply ם ?
Since [[Grammar:Tutorial/Irregular_verbs]] lists under "Imperfect of 1-י verbs
The Yod is omitted in some forms for some of these verbs." could the word [[Hebrew:ים|ים]] be shortened to the single letter [[Hebrew:ם|ם]] ?

Does this also mean that since in [[Grammar:Quick]]
Under the "Prefixes" heading:

3rd person, sing., masc. imperfect
3rd person, plur., masc. imperfect (י□□□ו)";

...and under the "Suffixes" heading:

" י(see also תי, ני):

2nd person, sing., fem. imperfect (ת□□□י)
plural conjugate noun (from ים)
sing. noun with 1st person, sing. pronoun suffix (my)
plur. noun with 1st person, sing. pronoun suffix (my)
sing., fem. imperative (□□□ו)";


plural of masculine (and some feminine) nouns, adjectives, and participles";

"ם (see also כם):

noun with 3rd person, plur., masc. pronoun suffix (their)
verb with 3rd person, plur., masc. pronoun suffix (them)":

...could this mean that a mule(donkey) or hot(warm) spring can be found in every one of these cases?

If so, are we more like Saul before being crowned King as he searched for his Father's donkeys, or are we more like the 2 Disciples who were asked to find a Mule in [ The Original Gospel of Matthew translated to English from the Hebrew language]:

"Chapter Twenty-One

(1) And when they came near to Jerusalem, and arrived at Bethphage on the mount of Olives, Jesus then sent two disciples, (2) telling them, “Go into the fortress enclosure that is opposite from you, and immediately you shall find a female donkey tied, and a foal by her side. Loose them, and bring them to me. (3) And if anyone says anything to you, say to them, “The Master needs them. And he will quickly let them go.” (4) Now this came to pass to fulfill what the prophet had said, saying, (5) “Tell the daughter of Zion, Your King comes to you. Poor, humble, just and victorious is he, riding upon a female donkey, even upon a colt, the foal of a female donkey.” (6) And the disciples went and did what Jesus told them to do. (7) And they brought the female donkey and the foal, and put on them their garments. And they put him on the foal. Then they made the ascent. (8) Many in the crowd spread their garments in the way. And others cut down leafy branches from the trees, and spread them in the way before him and behind him, carpeting the way. (9) And the crowds cried, saying, “Save us on high!” “ Save us on high. To the house and Son of David. Please save us! Savior of the poor! Blessed is he that comes in the name of Yahweh the Lord Adonai. Save us our savior! Please save the weary! May you be glorified in heaven and in earth.”" - Text Copyright 2019 Sandford Rives

If so then we may have uncovered a great mystery that has been referenced throughout the Hebrew Bible and on into the Gospel of Matthew - that wherever a donkey or mule is mentioned in scripture then it is perhaps pointing back to the <ref>Genesis 1:1</ref> where we see the word that could either be translated as warm/hot spring or donkey/mule and/or spring of donkeys (possibly in heat).

Could it also be that perhaps one iteration of the donkey might be [ Baal Shem Tov] who according to [ this] Wikipedia article was born "in a settlement near Okopy Świętej Trójcy, a newly built fortress close to Kameniec in West Ukraine"?

Where do the donkey references end? Hopefully not when another of us is brought in on mule over palm branches knowing we will be murdered the next day (but forgiving all the while.)

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