Site for researching all meanings of Hebrew Bible.
Noun, plur., masc. with 2nd person sing. suffix:
- your nostrils (Strong 639)
- your face (Strong 639)
- your angers (Strong 639)
- also you (Strong 637, Strong 638)
Spaces Hypothesis
Noun, sing., masc.:
Analyzing of information presented on this page is complete (even with spaces hypothesis). That is, all variants of translation were considered carefully. No warranty however, that nothing is missing. |
Noun, sing., masc.:
Imperative, sing., masc.:
Analyzing of information presented on this page is complete (even with spaces hypothesis). That is, all variants of translation were considered carefully. No warranty however, that nothing is missing. |
Spaces Hypothesis with prefixes
Noun, sing., (masc. or fem.) + 1st person sing. suffix:
- my baker as (Strong 644)
- also me as, though me as (Strong 637, Strong 638)
- furthermore me as, indeed me as (Strong 637)
Noun, sing., masc.:
- anger me as (Strong 639)
- nose me as, nostril me as (Strong 639)
Imperative, sing., masc.:
- commit adultery! me as, apostatize! me as
Analyzing of information presented on this page is complete (even with spaces hypothesis). That is, all variants of translation were considered carefully. No warranty however, that nothing is missing.