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  1. 1st person, sing. imperfect (א□□□)
  2. cohortativus, sing. (א□□□ה)


  1. prep. "in"

ה (see also הת):

  1. definite article; superlative adjectives
  2. imperative of NIPAL
  3. infinitive of NIPAL
  4. perfect of HIPIL
  5. perfect of HOPAL
  6. imperative of HIPIL
  7. infinitive of HIPIL (ה□□י□)
  8. whether?


  1. perfect, imperative, infinitive of HITPAEL


  1. 3rd person, sing., masc. imperfect
  2. 3rd person, plur., masc. imperfect (י□□□ו)


  1. conjunction "and"


  1. prep. "as"


  1. prep. "to"

מ (see also מת):

  1. prep. "from"; a comparative form
  2. participle of PIEL
  3. participle of HIPIL (מ□□י□)
  4. participle of HOPAL


  1. participle of HITPAEL


  1. 1st person, plur., imperfect (נ□□□)
  2. cohortativus, plur. (נ□□□ה)
  3. perfect of NIPAL
  4. participle of NIPAL


  1. 3rd person, sing., fem. imperfect (ת□□□)
  2. 2nd person, sing., masc. imperfect (ת□□□)
  3. 2nd person, sing., fem. imperfect (ת□□□י)
  4. 3rd person, plur., fem. imperfect (ת□□□נה)
  5. 2nd person, plur., fem. imperfect (ת□□□נה)
  6. 2nd person, plur., masc. imperfect (ת□□□ו)


ה (see also נה, תה):

  1. feminine participles
  2. 3rd person, sing., fem. perfect
  3. noun with 3rd person, sing., fem. pronoun suffix (her)
  4. verb with 3rd person, sing., masc. object suffix (her)
  5. cohortativus, sing. (א□□□ה)
  6. cohortativus, plur. (נ□□□ה)


  1. verb with 3rd person, sing., masc. object suffix (him)


  1. noun with 2nd person, sing. pronoun suffix (your).
  2. verb with 2nd person, sing. object suffix (you).


  1. noun with 2nd person, plur., masc. pronoun suffix (your).
  2. verb with 2nd person, plur., masc. object suffix (you).


  1. noun with 2nd person, plur., fem. pronoun suffix (your).
  2. verb with 2nd person, plur., fem. object suffix (you).


  1. 3rd person, plur., fem. imperfect (ת□□□נה)
  2. 2nd person, plur., fem. imperfect (ת□□□נה)
  3. plur., fem. imperative (□□□ו)


  1. verb with 1st person, sing. object suffix (me)

ם (see also כם):

  1. noun with 3rd person, plur., masc. pronoun suffix (their)
  2. verb with 3rd person, plur., masc. pronoun suffix (them)

ן (see also כן):

  1. noun with 3rd person, plur., fem. pronoun suffix (their)
  2. verb with 3rd person, plur., fem. pronoun suffix (them)

ו (see also נו, הו):

  1. 3rd person, plur. perfect
  2. 3rd person, plur., masc. imperfect (י□□□ו)
  3. 2nd person, plur., masc. imperfect (ת□□□ו)
  4. plur., masc. imperative (□□□ו)
  5. noun with 3rd person, sing., masc. pronoun suffix (his).

י (see also תי, ני):

  1. 2nd person, sing., fem. imperfect (ת□□□י)
  2. plural conjugate noun (from ים)
  3. sing. noun with 1st person, sing. pronoun suffix (my)
  4. plur. noun with 1st person, sing. pronoun suffix (my)
  5. sing., fem. imperative (□□□ו)


  1. 3-weak, participle, sing., fem.


  1. plural of feminine (and some masculine) nouns, adjectives, and participles
  2. 2nd person, sing. perfect of double verbs (□□ות)
  3. infinitive of 3-weak verbs


  1. plural of masculine (and some feminine) nouns, adjectives, and participles


  1. 2nd person, sing.


  1. 1st person, plur. perfect
  2. noun with 1st person, plur. pronoun suffix (our)
  3. verb with 1st person, plur. object suffix (us)

ת (see also ות, ית):

  1. feminine participles
  2. 2nd person, sing. perfect
  3. infinitive of 1-נ verbs (נ is omitted)
  4. infinitive of some 1-י verbs (י is omitted)
  5. conjugate of feminine nouns ending with ה


  1. 2nd person, sing., masc. perfect
  2. 3-weak, 3rd person, sing., fem. perfect


  1. 1st person, sing. perfect


  1. 2nd person, plur., masc. perfect


  1. 2nd person, plur., fem. perfect