Site for researching all meanings of Hebrew Bible.
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Noun, sing., masc. with 3rd person, sing. fem. suffix:
- her toil (Strong 8383)
Noun, sing., fem. with 3rd person, sing. fem. suffix:
- her fig, her fig tree (Strong 8384)
Noun, sing., fem.:
- occasion, opportunity (Strong 8385)
- time of sex (Strong 8385)
Imperfect, 3rd person, sing., fem.:
- will mourn (Strong 578)
- will allow to meet, will cause to meet (Strong 579)
Imperfect, 2rd person, sing., masc.:
- you will mourn (Strong 578)
- you will allow to meet, you will cause to meet (Strong 579)
Spaces Hypothesis
- chamber let, chamber please
- chamber eminency, chamber distinction
- chamber lamentation
Spaces Hypothesis with prefixes
Noun, sing., fem. + 3rd person plur. fem suffix:
- their chamber the, their guardroom the (Strong 8372)
- their chamber whether, their guardroom whether (Strong 8372)
Analyzing of information presented on this page is complete (even with spaces hypothesis). That is, all variants of translation were considered carefully. No warranty however, that nothing is missing.