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Exegesis:Hosea 6:6

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Because mercy pleases me and not sacrifices and Elohim knows about the people’s sins

(Dalton) If mercy didn’t please the Father on High, why would be warn us of His judgment beforehand through the prophets? If he didn’t enjoy mercies why would he forgive and give instructions and corrections? He doesn’t desire sacrifices because sacrifices are a product of sin and a lack of forgiveness. He desires that we forgive one-another and seek the solace of His every Word of Truth. He knows our sins! However, we can bring offerings of thanksgiving and tithes for the poor, sick and needy. This are the things he desires because the more sacrifice that is brought to the alter, the more sin has been committed. When we transgress less, the less there is a need for sacrifice. When we transgress less, we have more capacity for mercies. Transgressions of the Torah (these transgressions are sins) cause sacrifices to increase and this is what He doesn’t want.

It has been taught that “I desire mercy not sacrifice” means that the Torah and the Priesthood will perish forever. However, the Prophecies of the Millennial Temple (Ezek. 40-44) has offerings of thanksgiving and Zadok as the priesthood of the Anointed Prince. And the people of the Prince will bring their offerings in clean robes, undefiled from unclean meats, circumcised flesh and hearts – the Gentile will be there just as the Jew and they will be one people honoring the same covenant the same way.

To not enter into the covenant is akin to a bystander. For many know that the stripes are what has healed us and that the sins of all have been bore by the One whom the Most High has Appointed and chosen. If we know that transgression of the Torah is sin (1John 3:4), why do we use the Blood of the Lamb as an excuse to transgress the Torah? Is this not the very definition of hypocrisy? Many use this verse in Hosea and the teachings of Saul/Paul to teach that the Gentile is exempt from following the commandments and that the commandments are only for the Jew/Israel. "One Law" (Ex. 12) is for both the Jew and the Gentile, this is specifically concerning the Passover Lamb. Thus, 1) If we believe that the Messiah is the Passover Lamb we can't ignore "if you wish to enter life, keep the commandments". This pertains to both the Jew and the Gentile. 2) If you enter into the covenant of the Passover all the males must be circumcised - this is both spiritual and physical. If Abraham can circumcise at 99 years old, surely we can at 30, 50, 60. 3) To actively participate in the fellowship as one people in the same manner is the commandment.

The consummation of the Eternal Capital of Elohim in the New Jerusalem will be one of perfection without sin and death. Since sin is the portal for the curse of the Torah, all persons accursed and without the covenant’s cleansing blood will be scattered. Thus, Torah is not just a commandment of livelihood it is also a prophecy. It speaks to the exacting eternal goodness of righteousness and the righteousness of judgment that will be carried out by the Prince of Peace through whom the Most High will judge.