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Adjective, plur., masc.:

Spaces Hypothesis


  • enemy and water, adversary and water, foe and water
  • roused oneself and water, awoke and water
  • Ar ("a city") and water
  • Er ("awake") and water


  • lied bare water (dubious)
  • roused oneself water, awakened water
  • rousing oneself water, awakening water
  • his enemy water, his adversary water
  • his bare place water
  • grow him water!
  • shake him out water!, show his emptiness water


  • shrewd Sea
  • crafty Sea
  • naked Sea
  • shrewd warm spring (?)
  • crafty warm spring (?)
  • naked warm spring (?)


  • enemy, adversary, foe; sleep a little Sea
  • roused oneself sleep a little Sea, awoke sleep a little Sea
  • enemy, adversary, foe; sleep a little warm spring (?)
  • roused oneself sleep a little warm spring (?), awoke sleep a little warm spring (?)

Spaces Hypothesis with prefixes


  • my nude from
  • my shrewd from, my crafty from


  • lied bare who from (dubious)
  • roused oneself who from, awakened who from
  • rousing oneself who from, awakening who from
  • his enemy who from, his adversary who from
  • his bare place who from
  • grow him who from!
  • shake him out who from!, show his emptiness who from!


  • enemy and who from, adversary and who from, foe and who from
  • roused oneself and who from, awoke and who from

Analyzing of information presented on this page is complete (even with spaces hypothesis). That is, all variants of translation were considered carefully. No warranty however, that nothing is missing.