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340 bytes added, 22:21, 20 November 2013
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Noun, sing., masc.:
* from to my corner, to my angle (from [[Hebrew:פנ|פנ]])* for my corner, to for angle (from [[Hebrew:פנ|פנ]])
Noun, plur., masc.:
* to my corners, to my angles (from [[Hebrew:פנ|פנ]])* for my corners, from for my angles (from [[Hebrew:פנ|פנ]])
Noun, sing., fem.:
* to my corner, to my angle (from [[Hebrew:פנה|פנה]])* for my corner, from for my angle (from [[Hebrew:פנה|פנה]])
Noun, plur., fem.:
* to my corners, to my angles (from [[Hebrew:פנה|פנה]])* for my corners, from for my angles (from [[Hebrew:פנה|פנה]])
Noun, conjugate, sing., masc.:
* to face, to surface (from [[Hebrew:פנים|פנים]])* for face, from for surface (from [[Hebrew:פנים|פנים]])* to corner, to angle (from [[Hebrew:פנים|פנים]])* for corner, from for angle (from [[Hebrew:פנים|פנים]])

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