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(WARNING: This page is in editing.)==Prefixes==
א:# 1st person, sing. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(א□□□)</span># cohortativus, sing. <span dir=Prefixes=="rtl">(א□□□ה)</span>
# prep. "in"
ה(see also הת):
# definite article; superlative adjectives
# imperative of NIPAL
# infinitive of NIPAL
# perfect of HIPIL <span dir="rtl">(ה□□י□)</span>
# perfect of HOPAL
# imperative of HIPIL
# infinitive of HIPIL <span dir="rtl">(ה□□י□)</span>
# whether?
# perfect, imperative, infinitive of HITPAEL
# conjunction "and"
# 3rd person, sing., masc. imperfect
# 3rd person, plur., masc. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(י□□□ו)</span>
# prep. "to", "for"
מ(see also מת):
# prep. "from"; a comparative form
# participle of PIEL
# participle of HIPIL <span dir="rtl">(מ□□י□)</span>
# participle of HOPAL
# participle of PUAL
# participle of HITPAEL
# 1st person, plur., imperfect <span dir="rtl">(נ□□□)</span>
# cohortativus, plur. <span dir="rtl">(נ□□□ה)</span>
# perfect of NIPAL
# participle of NIPAL
# 3rd person, sing., fem. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(ת□□□)</span>
# 2nd person, sing., masc. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(ת□□□)</span>
# 2nd person, sing., fem. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(ת□□□י)</span>
# 3rd person, plur., fem. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(ת□□□נה)</span>
# 2nd person, plur., fem. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(ת□□□נה)</span>
# 2nd person, plur., masc. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(ת□□□ו)</span>
ה(see also נה, תה):
# feminine participles
# 3rd person, sing., fem. perfect
# noun with 3rd person, sing., fem. pronoun suffix (her)
# verb with 3rd person, sing., masc. object suffix (her)
# cohortativus, sing. <span dir="rtl">(א□□□ה)</span>
# cohortativus, plur. <span dir="rtl">(נ□□□ה)</span>
# direction suffix
# verb with 3rd person, sing., masc. object suffix (him)
ו (see also נו, הו):
# 3rd person, plur. perfect
# 3rd person, plur., masc. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(י□□□ו)</span>
# 2nd person, plur., masc. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(ת□□□ו)</span>
# plur., masc. imperative <span dir="rtl">(□□□ו)</span>
# noun with 3rd person, sing., masc. pronoun suffix (his).
# plural of feminine (and some masculine) nouns, adjectives, and participles
# 2nd person, sing. perfect of double verbs <span dir="rtl">(□□ות)</span>
# infinitive of 3-weak verbs
י (see also תי, ני):
# 2nd person, sing., fem. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(ת□□□י)</span>
# plural conjugate noun (from ים)
# sing. noun with 1st person, sing. pronoun suffix (my)
# plur. noun with 1st person, sing. pronoun suffix (my)
# sing., fem. imperative <span dir="rtl">(□□□ו)</span>
# 3-weak, participle, sing., fem.
# plural of masculine (and some feminine) nouns, adjectives, and participles
ית:# 2nd person, sing. ך:# noun with 2nd person, sing. pronoun suffix (your).# verb with 2nd person, sing. object suffix (you). כם:# noun with 2nd person, plur., masc. pronoun suffix (your).# verb with 2nd person, plur., masc. object suffix (you). כן:# noun with 2nd person, plur., fem. pronoun suffix (your).# verb with 2nd person, plur., fem. object suffix (you). ם (see also כם):# noun with 3rd person, plur., masc. pronoun suffix (their)# verb with 3rd person, plur., masc. pronoun suffix (them) ן (see also כן):# noun with 3rd person, plur., fem. pronoun suffix (their)# verb with 3rd person, plur., fem. pronoun suffix (them) נה:# 3rd person, plur., fem. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(ת□□□נה)</span># 2nd person, plur., fem. imperfect <span dir="rtl">(ת□□□נה)</span># plur., fem. imperative <span dir="rtl">(□□□ו)</span># preposition נה written together with a word נו:# 1st person, plur. perfect# noun with 1st person, plur. pronoun suffix (our)# verb with 1st person, plur. object suffix (us) ני:# verb with 1st person, sing. object suffix (me) ש:# which ת(see also ות, ית):
# feminine participles
# 2nd person, sing. perfect
# infinitive of 1-נ verbs (נ is omitted)
# infinitive of some 1-י verbs (י is omitted)
# conjugate of feminine nouns ending with ה
# 2nd person, sing., masc. perfect
# 3-weak, 3rd person, sing., fem. perfect
# 1st person, sing. perfect
# 2nd person, plur., masc. perfect
# 2nd person, plur., fem. perfect

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